Sunday, September 9, 2012

We Always Come Back

I know, I know.  Worst bloggers ever.  After months and months of lots of good content, you are left with this vacant wasteland that is hardly ever updated, and even when it is there is never anything interesting to be read.  I hope that you don't think this is permanent.  I have no intention of that being the case.  If you've been around the fandom long enough, you've seen plenty of people immerse themselves in writing and participating in communities like this, only to then suddenly fall off the face of the Earth.  It can be disappointing and saddening. 

But another thing that happens if you stick around long enough is that it seems that sooner or later, almost everyone comes back.  Sadly, not some of those people who have left unfinished stories we'd really like to see finished, but a lot of others.  Just recently there has been a mino resurgence of a few people who had been missing for years, so it just goes to show what an impact this fandom has on people.  Our interest may wane here and there, but I don't think it ever disappears entirely. 

We can maybe blame the month of August.  Has anything ever been accomplished in August?  The blog was about the last thing on my mind.  It's difficult when even when you do post things, whether they be here or on or wherever, people aren't really saying anything.  Nobody likes talking to thin air.  Well, some people maybe do, but they should be in some sort of an institution. 

I can't promise that the content is going to magically improve immediately, I just wanted to offer some reassurance that nobody has disappeared and I at least have no intention of doing so.  Sometimes though we need a little break and sometimes this kind of silly stuff isn't in the forefront of our minds.  Sometimes we even have real work to do, as annoying as that can be! 

Anyway, please still stick around and please keep active within the community.  Make your presence known so the lurkers know that there are still plenty of us out there.  And soon, I swear, we'll start posting more here again!


  1. I'm still here, and certainly have no intentions of going anywhere. Looking forward to lots more good stuff on here. I'm being really, really patient :)

    I've also noticed a few old faces have reemerged recently, and I think that's great. It's so true, we all come back to Han and Leia in the end. I have personal experience of this myself. I've had a few periods of waning interest, but it never goes away entirely and it always seems to come back stronger.

  2. Hey, just want to let you know that I'm still a loyal reader!

  3. I haven't gone anywhere. I've been pretty lazy about reviewing stories I've read lately. I've been pretty lazy in general!

    But yes, still waiting patiently.

    1. I'm convinced August makes people lazy. Thank you for helping me prove my point :)

  4. I would rather a hiatus with a return than a never-to-be-heard-from-again drop off. All of our lives get busy, right? I'm just so glad to be able to have a group of people to discuss fic and Han/Leia with. Almost no one I know is aware what any of this is.
    I'm really glad to see all of the conversations and people returning that are popping up at the playground. Great to see the discussion going on.
    I wish that I could have September off to search through all of the fic possibilities that I see before me now with my new playground access. Plus, with the return of the JC Forums, I'm going to attempt to play up my hopes and find a bunch of good (but unfinished) fics over there.

  5. Just a note to say that I really enjoy your blog!

  6. I'm still here too. Definitely glad to have people who like Han and Leia as much as me to discuss things with. Nice to see a new post and activity on NHP.

  7. I am here too! I am one of those who was very active fandom in the 2000-2006 time frame but dropped out because of life, lack of time, etc etc. I have had my eye on this blog for a while - in fact the brilliant and often hilarious reviews on the EU books was what got me reading and watching SW again after not having or finding time to do so in years, and this has dragged me back into active service :) After struggling to be able to post here (certain web browsers are less friendly than others) I have figured it out and look forward to being at least a semi-regular face.


  8. Ugh, I just typed a very long post only to lose it when I tried to Publish it! Let me try again and this time I'll copy it before I hit the button just in case.

    First, I'm glad to see that you guys are still around even though I know I have been very neglectful lately. Thanks to Zyra for towing the line without me and keeping the blog afloat. I went to change the background pic this morning and barely remembered how. How sad is that? And, I keep a log of the profic quotes so I don't repeat them too often and the last time I updated the quotes was back in June! Ouch, it hurts me to think about that.

    Anyway, that has all been remedied and you all can enjoy a new pic and new quotes. I want to welcome any new commenters, whether you have been a lurker or just an old fan that has resurfaced, WELCOME and please don't hold back on the comments. You can ask for something, talk about anything and even do a guest post if the mood strikes you. As Zyra always says: "We don't bite."

    Well, I'm sure I said much more brilliant things in my previous post that was lost, but that's all I can remember. Although, I did want to ask if anyone had any ideas for a poll? I tried to think of one, but came up empty. :-)

    1. Push!! How's it going? Good to see you. :)

      Oh don't mention losing long posts before you even publish them, that has happened to me so many times. I think my ipad hates this site because it usually happens on that.

      Hmm, ok I will try and think of poll ideas, although most of them will probably end up rude! ;) I can't help myself!

      Oh and welcome to Cminor! :)

    2. Well, I'll be inappropriate - how about favorite position? Not sure I can take credit for that poll idea, but will throw it out there. That ought to get some interesting hits from google and that. ;)

      Very good to see you, Push! And welcome cminor!

  9. It seems like life has just moved into light speed. I haven't had anytime to write about Celebration VI, meeting AmaraZ in person or any of the panels. Until I can find some spare time you all may want to check out this link from tosche-station. They were live blogging during the Delray panel at CVI. I figured they (Brian and Naci) took way better notes than I did. I still need to write and submit a proper overview of all CVI. The Delray panel was excellent. All the Star Wars authors and editors in one room was pretty awesome.

    1. Very cool. Thanks, seams! I need to put my bit together about Celebration too. We had a good time for sure.

    2. Dude, a Leia book between ANH and ESB? Hell yes! Thanks, Seams.

    3. Thanks for the link. Love the idea of a Leia centered book, especially if it takes place during the OT. The idea of an OT era set of books is really exciting, in and of itself, but the sorely lacking/needed Leia book makes it. Their idea of a bunch of short story e-books sounds better too, as long as we can get specific character centric interactions instead of some grand over arching plot line with galactic implications. I think there are more than enough novels involving those.
      Again, thanks.

    4. Looking forward to the Leia book loads! It's about time she had her own time in the spotlight. Of course anything between ANH and ESB is going to be interesting, because we're all dying to know exactly how she's feeling about Han, and I hope we get plenty of that.

      Whilst we're talking about books, we can all sleep a lot easier when it comes to the upcoming Big Three swansong Crucible. It's been confirmed that none of them will die!

  10. The DelRay panel was great. Just the sheer number of attendees in the panel was very cool. What an enthusiastic crowd. I loved the Jaina cosplayer Tosche-station mentioned. She sat in front of my daughter. She was the spitting image of Jaina Solo and just a beautiful battle armor costume. Her reaction to Sword of the Jedi was priceless. Another attendee stood in line just to publicly thank Troy Denning for writing Vortex, telling his story how that book saw him through his tour of duty in Afghanistan. It was very touching to see how authors, books and words effect so many people in so many deeply personal ways. It was very moving. Just for the record, Vortex was one of the funniest books I have read, Han really had a lot of great lines.

  11. August is always difficult and so is July. I think it's the summer busies. Everyone is out of schedule. Those in college are off doing other things. Those of us with kids out of school have different routines and schedules. etc etc... yadda yadda ... Anyhow. I have been checking but I'm so inept with blogger that about 1/2 the time I try to reply it gets lost and I'm too frustrated to try again. We'll see if that happens now. Now must race over and read about a Leia novel between ANH and ESB... sqeee!
