Friday, October 20, 2017

Can We Talk About These Photos? And Can One of You Write a Story Inspired By Them?

Ok, I'm behind because I have been busy, so you guys are probably all like... oh, we've been looking at these pictures for weeks. Where have YOU been? I'm betting though that nobody will ever get tired of these being brought back up. I think I'd rather not spend too much time dwelling on the real-life aspects of this. Honestly I recently re-read The Princess Diarist and somehow it is both more and less depressing now that Carrie is gone. I will say that to me these photos do not look like two people who are just friends whose affair has ended. But again, I don't really want to debate any of that, because the one person who may have told us the truth is gone. So, anyway...

Can we just pretend this is Han and Leia? And can someone write a nice little story to go along with it? Maybe they're dancing at someone's wedding. Or a big celebration of the victory. Heck I could even pretend this goes with a story I wrote of them dancing. I said this to more than one person, that first, I almost can't believe these photos exist. And once again it makes me wonder what gems are still hiding and may one day be unearthed for our viewing pleasure. Second, I find these photos adorable. But also sad. But kind of almost too adorable to be sad. Like they just look so happy that I almost can't be sad to think about what "truth" may lie behind them, or the fact that Carrie is no longer with us, and what fun we'd have had Tweeting them to her and waiting for her to comment. So, well, let's just pretend it's Han and Leia and let this offer a nice visual.


  1. While I try to avoid Carrison shippers and all that fun just because it makes me feel so awful and wrong, I adore these pictures so much. When I first saw them, I could hardly believe what I was seeing, but it's just so beautiful!

    I like your idea, though. Let's pretend it's Han and Leia. I'll see if I can come up with anything good ...

  2. I love the pictures - there are a couple of equally adorable ones of her dancing with Mark some time in 1977 that were part of the estate sale - it's like seeing them before everything hit them, before they knew what they were in for. I would LOVE to have more stories about them going to amusement parks on the press tour or that food fight with the three of them that George and Marcia came in after. I still wonder how insane it was, they all had no idea what was to come and they could still be goofy and fun together.

    I can easily pretend all of the pics are the characters dancing together and being happy! Because wow do we need some happiness for them...

    I had a throwaway line or two in Save the Last Dance for Me that I could repurpose for a pure Han/Leia story...let me think on it! Or if anyone wants to use it, I'll tell you where it is...

    Anyway, please SOMEONE write some fics because damnit, if I have to see one more Tumblr notice of new fic on AO3 that is Kylux and contains "Kylo Ren needs a hug" I'm gonna scream.

    1. And Mark tweeted one of the dancing ones for Carrie's birthday today. I asked him in another post where these pictures were from but he hasn't answered:

  3. You know what's funny? I swear there are millions of "Han/Leia dance at a formal function" fics out there ... and I can't think of a single one, aside from a brief scene in Erin and Justine's "The Only Constant" (which I wholeheartedly endorse and recommend if you haven't read it, my friends).

    So yes! someone write this!

    1. *Raises hand* I wrote one! Or this is the beginning of a longer story, and this could totally fit, except I had Leia wearing a red dress and her hair up, and in my head ties of any sort don't exist in
      GFFA (but HF sure does look cute in a bowtie) but I did have a scene of them dancing in the first chapter or two of my story All You Ever Wanted. You can even skip the rest of it if you want, originally I had posted it as a stand alone that just went through the dancing part and then I cheated and made it a long story, mostly as a way to get people to read it since nobody really did.

  4. I have a couple of dancing scenes in unfinished stories. perhaps I can tinker.

  5. First. The photos are beautiful.

    Second. Han&Leia dance fanfiction ..... I can suggest "Follow My Lead" by lajulie (

    "An Alderaanian Tango" by organanation ( and

    "May I Have This Dance?" by HannahRachel05 ( This is not all Han&Leia but tghere is a lot amount of it.
